Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Street Kids

Now from the title , you guys can predict what I am going to talk about and it's about he poor street kids that have no choice but to work for the people that kidnapped them. Some of their businesses is begging for money or selling minor objects(gum, flowers...)

Now I would like to talk about what got them into this disaster in the first place and that is the parents that left them(most cases) or them running away.

I have heard that they also have a deadline with the money they bring to the kidnappers at the end of the day. If they don't bring the money needed for the kidnappers, they abuse them and don't feed them.

You can now see how they are suffering and the governments of the world must help and save them for their future is disturbed.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Professorship and tenure-track positions

Now I have been showing some interest in being a professor and teaching in a university and making my own research in certain and specific subjects I like that include Physics and Mathematics. However, a common conflict professors face is getting a high position among the faculty members in his/her specific field.

Now there is one thing professors dream about and it's becoming tenure. Now what tenure is is becoming a professor that has a secure job(life-time contract) and much more money. However, after doing some research, i realized that you have to spend years in research and a lot of good teaching and a lot of contribution to the university/college. Professors often start as an assistant professor in a university and finishing their PhD. and a few years of post-docs and a lot of teaching experience for it's challenging to get into a good university. After becoming an assistant professor, you have to do some great research and make a lot of publications and contribution to the university. You also have to successfully teach your students. You can then be promoted to an associate professor and make the same contributions and get tenure and be a full professor.

As you see, it's really hard to get tenure so you have to work hard.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Samsung Eating Apple Up!!

Apparently, Samsung  is growing to be one of the best smartphone-selling company in the business. Now, most people say that Apple is and always will be number 1 in technology . However, Samsung is now proving that wrong. Samsung's sales have been increasing more than Apple proving that people are preferring Samsung over Apple. This made Apple investors get cranky for Apple is used to being on the top of the ranking list.

Will this be the end of the Popular Company Apple or should i say " New Nokia"!!!  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Social life..

So , i made a new video and posted it on youtube and it's about social life. So , in the video i make a quiz online in front of the camera and then the result goes up so check out the video

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Now many people would tell me that i am exaggerating right now. However , bullies are a crisis. After looking at some statistics, i can see that many people commit suicide after being affected by bullies physically or mentally and i believe that there was no such thing as an "Emo" individual before the habit of bullying has taken place in our schools. Bullying doesn't usually take place in elementary school however it does in middle and high school.
Now the question is simple: "Why do bullies bully?"
Now a person can transform into a bully in many ways and that is if he were affected by another bully and got peer pressured to become one himself. An individual can also turn into a bully if he is affected physically by his parents(Physically abused) so he would make someone else's life miserable just as much as his.
So i think the question is answered. Bullying takes place because violence is taking over peace in our crazed universe and we have to stop it because full violence may not only cause bullying but also war.

Brilliance 2...

Now as you guys remember , i have talked about the world's smartest person in my last blog post. Now i have decided to talk about a character in the hit TV show the big bang theory whose main characters are 4 brilliant people and an unintelligent waitress. Now the character that i am interested in is "Sheldon Cooper". He is known to be the smartest in the show with 180+ IQ. He can only talk in a technical/scientific way. He is a theoretical physicist who works in the cal-tech university with a PhD. He mainly works on string theory. However, Sheldon isn't considered to be social at all and many people consider him as crazy.So i concluded that with brilliance there is always a negative side and that is the lack of bonding with people in a social community.

This was another blog post on brilliance.


Did anybody know that the smartest person in the world Kim Ung-yong has an IQ of 210 and started college at age 4 .. and started to talk in many foreign languages fluently when he was 2.... This genius is my hero.


In this blog , i will talk about my thoughts and about my opinions of the world. So my name is Karim, i am 13-years old  and i am interested in computer science which include video editing and python coding/programming. I also like to share my films that i edit with Adobe Premiere Pro onto youtube ( I have made some fun programs that i have posted on social media site( One of my programs is called the rude computer, this is the link for downloading( and another program called rating on lebanese politicians( Other than computer science, i am also very interested in Physics, Biology and Chemistry.